Judy brings a great deal of experience in educational research, informal science education, and early learning to the project.
Karen has over 25 years of experience devising novel ways of communicating scientific and technological ideas and concepts using interactive exhibits; objects, online resources and programming.
Neil's research interests are in cognitive psychology, cognitive neuroscience, and neuropsychology.
Jack studies different aspects of psycholinguistics, communication, and cognitive science of learning.
Susan leads the study design and implementation of the museum’s evaluations for exhibitions and programs.
Zayba is a Post-doctoral Research Associate and works full-time on the Move2Learn project.
Cheryl has more than 25 years of project management experience, and currently served as PI for Children Investigating Science with Parents and Afterschool (CHISPA).
Michelle has a long history of providing children with opportunities to explore science through open-ended experiences and discovery.
Chad’s work involves the application of artificial intelligence to educational problems, with emphasis on entertainment technologies and informal learning.
Robb is currently at the College of Education at the University of Illinois where he is a core faculty member in the Digital Environments for Learning, Teaching, and Agency (DELTA) Program.
Sharon has managed a vast array of projects across GSC, from exhibition development and install, to school learning programmes and initiatives
Andrew’s research focuses on the role of interaction in thinking, and the implications this has for early STEM learning and new forms of technology
Susan has worked in Science Engagement for 16 years and has experience in engaging learners of all ages and from all walks of life in a wide variety of science subjects.
With a degree in Geology and Geophysics, he has worked in STEM communication in various organisations
Minna is working with Professor Sara Price on Move2Learn. Her thesis is titled: Designing for Embodied Science Learning: Children’s Scientific Thinking and Play-Based Interactive Installations.
Sara's research involves the design, development and evaluation of emerging digital technologies (mobile, tangible, sensor), exploring ways in which they can enhance learning through mediating new forms of thinking and reasoning.
Alexia is a doctoral student of Learning Sciences on the Move2Learn project.
Cathy has served as a PI or co-PI on various IES and NSF studies, and has extensive experience evaluating the impact of innovative programs related to STEM.
Claire is the Project Manager for the UK side of the Move2Learn research project.
Rhiannon has a background in Developmental Psychology and has conducted research with a broad range of ages, from infancy to adulthood.
Ross is a second-year doctoral student in educational psychology based at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign .